Tel: 250-488-2204

“Motion is Life, Life is Motion”
(A.T. Still, the founder of Osteopathy)
Our physical well-being has an enormous impact on the quality of our lives, affecting our emotional and mental capacities as well as our overall sense of vitality and happiness.
At Wellness in Motion our guiding principle is “Motion is Life, Life is Motion” (A.T. Still, the founder of Osteopathy).
This phrase holds true for all types of body movement, right down to the micro-movement within each cell. Our bodies are constantly flowing with the natural movement of bones, fascia, tissues, blood, lymphatic fluid, and cerebral spinal fluid. Even the most minute restrictions or blocks at these vital areas of movement can compromise our health. If these restrictions are not released they can cause a much greater negative impact on the surrounding tissue and structures, which can affect the entire body.

“Scott brings to every appointment – his mind, his hands, his ability to heal. His strong, calm approach backed by real life experiences build an environment of confidence and faith. After many years of chronic pain I am so grateful to have Scott as an integral member of my life’s team."
Brenda Leir, Penticton, BC